The core values of core values

How would your brand’s friends describe it?

What would get it hot and bothered at Thanksgiving dinner with its extended family? Which superlative would it have received in its high school yearbook? What venerations would its obituary list?

Just like humans, every brand needs definitive, purposeful core values. When your brand’s core values are nuanced, grounded in principle, and unifying, they infuse meaning into the existence and the actions of the brand. They are the fiber of every brand’s being—the key to identity and differentiation—and the driving force behind all your brand does.

In the spirit of strategic and effective core values, the core values of core values are:

Succinct - Consisting of no more than three to five targeted words, your core values are accompanied by concise and purposeful statements that describe each grounding principle. 

Intrinsic - Your core values are meaningful and sincerely essential to your brand. They effectively convey your desires, align with all you do, and shape the foundation of your brand’s identity.

Actionable - Your north star. Core values guide every decision, lead key messaging across all touchpoints, and unify your team and audience.

Ownable - Competitively advantageous, your core values differentiate your brand, attracting the best teams and most loyal audiences. Irrepleccable, they forge retention, performance, growth, and longevity.

What are some mistakes we see when brands determine core values?

Not testing them and never changing them. Core values should not solely be developed by senior leadership.

Feedback from your team and audience is imperative in crafting ownable, relatable, and accurate core values. And just as people grow and change over time, so too do brands. Revisit and interrogate your core values every couple of years to ensure that they remain relevant and authentic.

What does your brand stand for? And what is its purpose? If your core values are not already clearly defined in three to five words, reach out. We’d love to help illuminate your north star.


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